We give you the roles and B2B emails of people in financial services

  • Instant access to crucial data: Harness the power of comprehensive data on over 70k firms and 220k decision-makers in UK B2B financial services
  • Tailored and accurate lists: Receive curated lists to meet your sales and marketing needs—don’t pay for data you won’t use
  • Seamless integration and up-to-date records: Ensure your CRM and marketing databases are always accurate and complete


Why use our data?

Find better leads

Use enriched data sourced from the FCA’s Register and Directory to connect with the right people

Approach at the right time

Reach people when they move and companies when they become regulated

Win with accuracy

See what the regulator sees instead of out-of-date websites and LinkedIn profiles


Find financial services intermediaries

Hackford's data makes it easy to find and monitor the essential intermediaries in the UK financial services sector, saving you time and effort. Here's how:

  • One dataset with everything: Identify independent financial advisers (IFAs), mortgage brokers, insurance intermediaries, and more—all in one structured dataset
  • Save time: Skip the research—Hackford's done the legwork, so you don’t have to
  • Make informed decisions: Use up-to-date, accurate information on the intermediaries driving the UK's financial ecosystem

Reach decision-makers in compliance

Hackford simplifies the process of finding buyers for regtech products, putting you directly in touch with the decision-makers who need your solutions.

  • Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) and HR professionals: Target professionals looking to streamline KYC, AML checks, and regulatory reporting with automation tools. Hackford makes it easy to find those spearheading compliance strategies
  • Risk managers and Chief Risk Officers (CROs): Reach out to departments eager for real-time risk monitoring and automated risk assessments. Hackford’s data lets you zero in on team leaders who are responsible for risk and looking to enhance their risk management capabilities
  • C-Suite executives: Pinpoint CEOs and other executives with accountability under the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR). With Hackford, you can find the top decision-makers with responsibility for improving conduct and compliance
Hackford takes the guesswork out of identifying the right buyers, letting you focus on delivering the solutions they need.


Connect with FCA-regulated professionals

Hackford’s data empowers marketers and events managers to connect with FCA-regulated professionals who have specific training needs and benefit from professional memberships. Here’s how:

  • Targeted outreach: Identify retail investment advisers, mortgage advisers, and financial planners who require ongoing qualifications and CPD, ensuring your marketing speaks directly to their needs
  • Tailored events: Plan events that cater to compliance officers, pension transfer specialists, and investment managers, focusing on their unique qualification and professional development goals
  • Membership engagement: Find professionals who would benefit from joining key organisations, helping you promote relevant memberships and networking opportunities
  • Focused learning: Connect with those committed to their professional growth, targeting individuals actively seeking training and certification
With Hackford’s insights, you can effectively engage the right professionals, making your marketing and events more impactful.